Saturday, June 10, 2006

Stuck @Home

Can't Wait for the weekend so we can...

Well, forget that plan. That was Thursday and this is Chicago.
If you plan on going out, better look for your gortex parka.

Maybe it's a good movie day.....
Roger Ebert said "In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to." , invest a few hours in the future, and go see
An Inconvenient Truth, Roger Ebert

or catch up on some reading.....
Some of the most common questions we get here at TreeHugger start with "How do I…" as in: "How do I know that a product is truly good for the environment?" "How do I find a hip eco-friendly gift?" or "How do I get my office to be more green?" Many of those questions can be answered by the good folks at
Green Home Environmental Store.

Book Review: Woody Harrelson’s “How to Go Further”
Kara, Newport, Rhode Island
We really enjoyed reading “How to Go Further” as soon as we turned the first page. With its large color photos, simple steps to leading an organic life and Woody Harrelson’s anecdotes throughout, it’s hard not to think about what kind of footprint you are leaving on this earth.

from Treehugger


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